
Royalty free images for your website

Don’t get caught up in a legal battle from using the wrong images! Here is our guide to free images…

It’s really easy to pick up an image on the web and manage to enter a legal dispute about the usage. You can’t just google an image and pluck it from the internet.. so what can you do?


Stock image websites (free)

It might feel a bit generic but there are so many stock image websites giving out free (yes totally free) images for you to use. All of the websites in the following list are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the pictures are completely free to be used for any legal purpose. Here they are:

MMT Stock


Jay Mantri

Stock Snap

Picsbuffet for Pixabay

Top tip: Avoid images with logos and branding of companies, the image might be free but you could still be in muddy waters if there’s other copyright infringement going on.


Google image advanced search

Google do have an advanced image search drop down where you can specify your requirements. Here’s how…

Let’s say I want to find a picture of a duck. I type it in as per usual but I will select “Advanced search” from the settings drop down menu.



On the advanced search page I will look for the field that let’s me decide on the usage rights I require.



Hit search and it will display images that are free to use for your purpose.

Although this is a great function that google have, the choice is really limiting and usually the pictures are very low resolution. I would still recommend using a stock images over this option.


Pay for your pictures

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for?

You’ve checked the free sites and found nothing. It’s time to think about paying a bit to get the right images. You can either hire a photographer or have a look at the following paid stock image websites:


Getty Images


Want to get advice about the images you’re using? Get in touch, we’d be happy to help.

Posted: August 2017

Author: Slate

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